Eat yourself fitter with konjac noodles

Love spaghetti and noodle dishes, but are you on a gluten-free, low-carb, low-calorie, or keto diet? Meet our konjac noodles (konjac spaghetti and tagliatelle). With these you can make a plate full of pasta without many calories, carbs or fat. You've never eaten pasta like this.

Konjac’s nickname: miracle noodles

Miracle noodles! This is what konjac noodles are called. And that is with good reason. It looks like clear pasta, but you eat almost zero carbs and zero fat. You get full by the fibers in konjac, but the noodles hardly contain any calories. Wonderful right? Simultaneously you have all the pleasure of a plate full of food and all these benefits:

  • Hardly any calories (10 kcal per 100 grams)
  • Gluten free
  • Vegan
  • Source of fibers
  • Instantly ready in 0-2 minutes

wat is konjac en welke konjac prodcuten zijn er? konjac rijst

How do they make konjac noodles?

Good question. Konjac is a plant that grows in East Asia. For the noodles we use the flour, which mainly consists of fibres. This absorbs a lot of water and then becomes a bit gel-like. Than you can make these miracle noodles. Konjac fills and satisfies hunger, even though it contains almost no calories. Ideal for losing weight.

What konjac products are there?

You can eat konjac products in the form of pasta or noodles (spaghetti, tagliatelle) or even rice. All made from the same ingredient, but formed into thin or thicker strands or grains of rice. What you choose depends on what you eat with it. Did you know that you can even make sushi with konjac rice? In any case, all konjac products have the same benefits and are equally easy (and quick) to prepare.

Good taste, no fishy smell

The noodle is known for a fishy smell, but we selected our konjac spaghetti for its neutral taste.

Oriental or Mediterranean

Konjac noodles are originally eaten in very spicy Asian dishes. Because of this you usually come across konjac as a noodle. But you can cook much more delicious things with it. We made konjac spaghetti and tagliatelle. You can use it as the basis for a delicious pasta dish or a traditional noodle dish. You choose!

What is konjac good for?

Konjac is a fine alternative to pasta and rice. Whereas pasta and rice are always packed with carbohydrates, konjac is ultra-low in carbs. And that in turn has a number of advantages:

  • Losing weight: The fibre makes you feel satiated, while there are almost no calories in the konjac product itself. That can help if you want to lose weight.
  • Blood sugar: Keeping your meal low in carbs and high in fats will prevent spikes in your blood sugar. Konjac keeps your blood sugar stable because you don’t eat (fast) carbs.

Recipes with konjac noodles or konjac rice

Want to know what you can cook with konjac? The first thing you can do is replace the rice or pasta in your daily meal with konjac rice or konjac pasta (konjac spaghetti or konjac tagliatelle). However, there is little flavour in konjac, so you really need to play around with spices, curry paste, pesto or Japanese seasoning.

A tip to give the noodles or rice more flavour beforehand is to marinate them in a mix of sesame oil, mirin, tamari (Japanese soy sauce), garlic and ginger. Let this stand for half an hour before adding the noodles to your vegetables. More konjac recipes below!