TerraSana is B Corp Certified! What does that mean for the future?

31 July 2024

Yes! It’s official! TerraSana is now a certified B Corp. Ever since we started in 1989, we’ve been doing business in a fair and holistic way. Now, it’s official. A B Corp certification shows that as a company, you care for people and the planet. That you take good care of your employees and the community. Sure, we’ve been delivering those great, eco-friendly products for 35 years, but with a B Corp certification, you’re proving that you don’t just talk green – you act green. For a better future and a healthier planet.

What does B Corp stand for?

B Corp stands for ‘Benefit for all’. B Corp is all about positive change in the world. As a B Corp certified company, you’re evaluated on five key areas:

  • Governance: Transparent and accountable management.
  • Workers: Good benefits and working conditions.
  • Community: Involvement in local initiatives.
  • Environment: Minimizing our ecological footprint.
  • Customers: Impact of our products and services.

We are certified with a score of 98.4 out of a possible 200 points, well above the minimum of 80 points.

Our mission and vision

At TerraSana, we want to do more than just deliver good products. We want to make a positive impact on the world. We look beyond profit. Money is a means, not an end. Our vision? A world where sustainability and ethical business are the norm. Our mission is to help you make positive choices with products that are good for people and the planet. We want a more sustainable food industry and are ready to go the extra mile for it.

Our Journey to certification

Becoming a B Corp was a long and intensive process. First, a thorough self-assessment, followed by an external audit and evaluation of our practices. We’re proud that we made it and that our efforts are being recognized.

Positive impact! Where do we score well?

Our products are sustainable, and that earns points. Organic food is better for the world – for people, animals, and the environment. That was an easy win. Additionally, we earned points for:

  • Plant-based: 99.7% of our products are plant-based/vegan. Good for you and the planet.
  • Palm oil-free: 99.2% of our products are palm oil-free. Palm oil can cause deforestation. We choose alternatives.
  • Eco-score: 53% of our products have an A or B score on Eco-score. Fewer ingredients, better impact.
  • Gluten-free: 75% of our products are gluten-free. Accessible for everyone.
  • No added sugars: 84% without added sugars. 22% with natural sugars. Healthy and tasty.
  • No artificial additives: No colorings, flavorings, GMOs, or artificial sweeteners. Natural ingredients are the foundation.
  • Cruelty-free: 100% cruelty-free. We stand against animal testing.
  • No chemical pesticides: No chemical junk. Good for you and the earth.
  • Packaging: 52% of our range is in glass. Glass is recyclable and reusable.

In terms of sustainable energy and relationships, these were our standout points:

  • Energy: 100% green electricity with a GVO certificate from European wind energy. LED lighting, solar panels, and heat pumps also help.
  • Paperless: We work as paperless as possible in production. Less waste, more efficiency.

We are social. The relationships we build are sustainable, and we take good care of our people.

  • Sustainable relationships: We have been doing business with 70% of our raw material suppliers for over 5 years. This ensures reliability and quality.
  • Employees: 30% of our employees have been with TerraSana for more than 10 years, and the lowest-paid employee earns 15% more than the minimum wage. Women are in the majority at our company.
  • Community: We support charities such as the Plastic Soup Foundation, Trees for All for CO2 compensation, and Just Diggit.

Improvements and goals for the future

Some points earned us marks but still aren’t up to our own high standards. Here’s where we want to improve over the next few years:

Cocoa products: Currently, 12% of our cocoa products have an RFA logo. By 2025, we aim to increase this to 82%.

Less plastic: We’ve experimented with this over the past few years by using compostable packaging. That turned out to be more challenging than we thought, and we had to take a step back. We’re keeping an eye on developments and will work towards using less plastic in the coming years.

Green initiatives: Continuing to invest in green electricity, better insulation, and sustainable energy like heat pumps and solar panels. We’ve just installed a whole bunch of new solar panels – nearly tripling them in 2024!

Our vision on sustainable business

At TerraSana, sustainability goes beyond just being eco-friendly. For us, it’s about the whole picture: social, economic, and ecological (just like B Corp, by the way). We look not only at today but also at the future. Our goal is to minimize our impact on the planet while continuing to innovate and improve. The first big step after our certification is already taken. If you look at our roof now, it’s covered with 252 solar panels. This means we can produce our nut pastes entirely on solar energy, covering 70% of our total energy needs. This isn’t included in our current B Corp score and will be considered in our recertification in three years.

We use our business as a force for good. This means investing in local communities, offering fair working conditions, and making sustainable choices for the planet. Together with you, we want to build a better future. Every time you choose TerraSana, you’re part of that positive change.

Avoiding greenwashing

Greenwashing? Not us. We believe that all good comes from transparency and honesty. False claims or half-truths are a no-go. At TerraSana, all certifications are real and verifiable. We only promise what we can deliver and are always honest about our impact. This means being open about our processes and products. We want you to be able to trust that you’re making the right choice. For yourself, your environment, or the planet.

Green goals, bright future

Our B Corp certification is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter. On the path to more sustainable and ethical business, we’re happy to share the moments that matter. Sharing the moments that matter! Because with positive change comes responsibility.

With a spoonful of nut butter (or miso, coconut milk, or curry for that matter) from TerraSana in hand, you’re helping to make the world a better place. Making positive choices. Choosing positive, as we like to say!