Indian korma curry with eggplant and broccoli


A true Indian korma curry has a nice bit of a coconut flavor and is mild in taste. This curry sauce may come from a jar, but that really doesn't detract from the taste. You might as well have picked up this curry at that delicious Indian restaurant around the corner. No one will notice that you spent less than 20 minutes making this. An Indian curry korma with extra lots of vegetables! And, of course, totally plant-based. A tip is to really use konjac rice. Not only because it contains almost no calories, but also because it makes the meal a lot lighter. Top tip!

DinnerCurry2 servings25 minutes preparation

This is what you need

Red onion1
Paprika powder1/2 tsp
Indian Korma Curry Sauce1 jarKonjac rice1 pack


Food processor

This is how you make it

  1. Cut the eggplant lengthwise into thirds and widthwise into thirds, so that you have pieces of about 5x2 inches.  
  2. Steam the eggplant in a steamer for about 12 minutes until tender. 
  3. Cut and break the broccoli into small florets. Steam until tender in 3 minutes. Set aside. 
  4. Finely chop the red onion.  
  5. Put the sesame oil in a frying pan. Sauté the onion. 
  6. Add the eggplant to the onion. Sprinkle with paprika and fry with the onion for a minute, until the eggplant gets some color.  
  7. Add the Indian korma curry. Let the curry warm gently.  
  8. Warm the konjac rice in another frying pan (1-2 minutes). Season with a little salt, soy sauce and/or sesame oil, if desired. 
  9. Serve the curry with the steamed broccoli and konjac rice.  ato and cucumber, falafel and possibly. some extra hummus.
